Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 46/2012: Creating a Pattern

Nagoya Gold and Silver Medals Awarded
Nagoya Gold and Silver Medals for organic chemistry awarded to Paul Knochel, Germany, Takahiko Akiyama, and Masahiro Terada, Japan

A Chemical Examination of the Isenheim Altar: Role Played in History by Horned Rye (1)
The Isenheim Altar depicts the symptoms and treatment of “St. Anthony’s Fire”, the result of poisoning by ergot alkaloids

Where Chemical Education is Heading: Interview with Peter Mahaffy
P. Mahaffy, Canada, talks about the need to change the way of teaching chemistry and where he sees chemical education in 50 years

Wonderlab Comic – Poster Session
Ever struggled to engage a student in a conversation at a poster session? Wonderlab explores some of the reasons why

Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Growing Crystals Part 3
How do you grow a crystal if your compound decomposes in air? We look at techniques that work for both air-sensitive and air-stable compounds

History and Usage of Arrows in Chemistry
Arrows are used in almost every field of human activity; in chemistry, it has evolved with our understanding of substances, reactivity, and structure

Polycyclic Indoles Made Easy
Sequential catalysis simplifies the synthesis of polycyclic indoles, which usually require multistep approaches

Engelbert Zass Awarded
E. Zass, Head of the Chemistry Biology Pharmacy Information Center at ETH Zurich, will be awarded the Gmelin Beilstein Medal

Tetsuo Nozoe: Organic Chemist and Autograph Collector
Tetsuo Nozoe was a pioneer in the area of non-benzoid aromatic chemistry and an autograph collector