Study on how attractive the EU is for top international scientists and how it can improve its performance in this area

Attractiveness of the EU for Top Scientists

Total Synthesis of (±)-Maoecrystal V
The total synthesis of maoecrystal V, albeit as a racemate, has been completed

New Reaction for Fe
Iron(III) complex with ionic tag catalyzed reduction reaction of alkenes under oxidative conditions

RSEQ Gold Medal to N. Martín
Highest honor of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) presented to Nazario Martín, Madrid

Surprises of Methane Inactivation Process
Methane supplies the energy for cell metabolism of bacteria, but is not the carbon source

65th Birthday: Günter Grampp
Professor Günter Grampp, Technical University of Graz, Austria, celebrates his 65th birthday

Chemistry Shaping the Future: German-Russian Symposium
LANXESS and the Russian Academy of Sciences organized scientific symposium in Moscow

Heinrich Wieland Prize 2013
The Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation invites nominations for the Heinrich Wieland Prize 2013 (News by Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation)

M. Reetz Wins IKCOC Prize
Professor Manfred Reetz, Germany, awarded the International Kyoto Conference on New Aspect of Organic Chemistry (IKCOC) Prize

New Family of Heterofullerenes
Pentaarylazafullerenes and their triaryldihydro and tetraarylmonohydro precursors isolated