Synthetic method was developed for the preparation of vinyl sulfides and vinylamines

Synthesis of Vinyl Sulfides and Vinylamines

Seven Sins in Academic Behavior
What are the basic principles and rules of academic research?

Angewandte Chemie 50/2012: Adventures in Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

A Fragrance That Breaks the Rules
Synthetic analogue of the vetiver oil odorant, used in perfumes like Ralph Lauren's ‘Polo’ and Chanel N°5, has proven the vetiver rule wrong

The Catalyst Genome
J. Nørskov and T. Bligaard look at what makes a good catalyst and how to map the catalyst genome to speed catalyst discovery

Logical Color Change
A temperature-dependent color change in a macrocyclic cyclotetraazocarbazole has led to the development of a new logical molecule

One-Pot Synthesis of 2-Indolyl-C-Glycosides
An efficient and high-yielding, one-pot, Cu-catalyzed synthesis of 2-indolyl-C-glycosides

Chemistry in France: A Hotbed for New Schools of Thought
A. Fuchs, President and CEO of the CNRS, the largest fundamental research organization in Europe, looks on successfull research traditions

New Nanocomposite Hydrogels
Dye-loaded periodic mesoporous organosilica particles functionalized with bioactive molecules used to generate a nanocomposite alginate hydrogel

Wonderlab Comic – Application Season
With stiff competition for Ph.D. positions, mediocre student Jin-Jo is advised by his Wonderlab colleagues to get his application in early