50 years until Zefram Cochrane’s test flight of The Phoenix, Earth’s first warp ship; answer to Guess the Chemist 16

Faster-than-Light Travel in 50 Years

Total Synthesis of Gambieric Acids
First total synthesis of potent antifungal polycyclic ether, gambieric acid A, has established its unambiguous structure

Malaria: One Drug, Double Action
The 4(1H)-quinolone derivative ELQ-300 acts against the asymptomatic and symptomatic stages of malaria infection

Vitamin C Goes Astray
Reaction pathways for Maillard degradation of vitamin C are clarified and the end-products identified

New RNA Purine Building Blocks
First synthesis and consequent structure revision of 4'-selenoadenosine and 4'-selenoguanosine, starting from D-ribose

Photocatalytic Oxygenation of Benzene to Phenol
2,3-Dichloro-5,6-dicyano-p-benzoquinone (DDQ) acts as efficient photocatalyst for the one-step oxygenation of benzene to phenol under visible-light irradiation

Our Daily Bread — Part 3
Exploring the chemical reactions during the baking of the bread and the skills trained and experienced bakers need

Like a Detective Story: The Discovery of C60
The discovery of fullerenes was neither quick nor easy, and was rich in surprising twists

Wonderlab Comic – April Fools' Day
Sophie and Jin-Jo play a practical joke on Catman and not only ruin his reaction, but also his day

Straight to the Mesopore: Special Issue on Functional Porous Materials
Functionalized porous materials, an exciting expanse of catalytic materials have tremendous catalytic potential