Pyridyl-monoannulated naphthalene diimide—a reversible probe for acid sensing and tunable formation of nanostructures

Tuning a pH Sensor

Materials for New Solid-state Electrolytes
The use of a new anion, carbamoylcyano(nitroso)methanide, for the development of novel organic ionic plastic crystals is reported

CO2 for Chemical Synthesis
Universal method for the catalytic methylation of amines with carbon dioxide

From Pharmacy to the Pub — A Bark Conquers the World: Part 1
The quinine-containing bark of the Cinchona tree is probably the most valuable drug the Americas gave the world

GM Crops
What are GM Crops? What is their benefit? How are they made? What risks are there?

Wonderlab Comic – Save My Phone!
Richpunzel resorts to extreme measures to dry her new phone after an accident

Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Air-Sensitive Techniques (1)
Schlenk lines can be daunting for the first-time user. We looked at basic Schlenk line design and how to start and stop a Schlenk line

Replacing a DEAD, Middle-aged Reagent
Replacing DEAD with recyclable reagents in the Mitsunobu reaction may lead to it being used for larger-scale industrial processes

Global Development of Fiber Production
Industrial Association of Chemical Fibers presents its report for 2012

Sweet Route to Steviamine
A concise synthesis of steviamine and three of its analogues is reported before testing for glycosidase inhibition