An overview of the latest trend report published annually in Nachrichten aus der Chemie, the GDCh magazine
2012 Trends in Organic Chemistry
Blue Mussels Extracts Active Against Food Browning
A mussel-derived polyphenol oxidase inhibitor can be used to prevent the enzymatic browning of fruits and vegetables
Carl Duisberg Plaque for E. Wille
The Carl Duisberg Plaque of the GDCh has been awarded to Eva Wille for her outstanding services to scientific publishing
Don't Miss the Free Angewandte Symposium
The live online broadcast of the Angewandte Anniversary Symposium virtual event is about to begin
Supermolecules Under Pressure
Changing the solvent pressure on caged molecules can fine-tune the physical properties of supramolecular host-guest complexes
Next Generation Awarded
Franziska Schoenebeck, Manuel Alcarazo, and Guido Clever receive prizes for their habilitation work
GDCh Awards for B. List and M. Christmann
The Horst Precejus Prize and the Carl Duisberg Memorial Prize of the GDCh have been awarded to Benjamin List and Mathais Christmann
Quiz for Angewandte Symposium
Test your knowlege on the Angewandte Chemie and get the chance to win a Wiley book voucher worth EUR 250
Metal Ions Regulate Metabolism in Insects
A single enzyme can trigger the production of two completely different substances depending on whether it is regulated by Co, Mn, or Mg ions
Angewandte Author Profiles February 2013
Licheng Sun, Peter J. Sadler, Manuel Alcarazo, Tomislav Rovis, Jieping Zhu, Hisashi Yamamoto, and Jun-An Ma were interviewed in February