The long road from the structure determination to the total synthesis of quinine is an exciting detective story

From Pharmacy to the Pub — A Bark Conquers the World: Part 3

What’s Cooking in Chemistry: Hiroshi Shinokubo
Hiroshi Shinokubo talks about what he cooks in the lab and at home, with a special recipe for Sweet and Tender Stewed Pork

Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Air-Sensitive Techniques (3)
Some basic experimental set ups for performing reactions with air-sensitive compounds and how to add solids and liquids

3-Step Reaction Made On 3D Printed Reactor
Inexpensive reactor for a multi-step synthesis and purification with potential to rival other multi-step reactors like micro and millifluidic devices

Reuniting Chemical Disciplines, Separated at Birth
In the 19th Century, every chemist was a polymath. What changed? And how can we reunite the different chemical disciplines?

Guess the Chemist (19)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Chiral Column? Here’s One I Made Earlier
Continuous-flow Diels–Alder reactions with a homemade HPLC column give good selectivity for >150 h

ChemCatChem Appoints a New Editor-in-Chief
Dr. Michael Rowan named Editor-in-Chief of ChemCatChem by ChemPubSoc Europe and Wiley-VCH

Hanuš Medal Awarded
The Hanuš Medal of the Czech Chemical Society was awarded to Oldřich Pytela, Czech Republic, and Otto Wolfbeis, Germany

Double-Channel Photosystems
Facile access to double-channel photosystems with oriented strings of fullerenes along oriented stacks of oligothiophenes