The European Journal of Organic Chemistry publishes 500th Microreview

Excellent Overview of all Aspects of Organic Chemistry Since 1998

Izatt-Christensen Award for Eric Anslyn
Eric Anslyn, University of Texas at Austin, USA, awarded for outstanding work in the field of macrocyclic chemistry

Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize for Tomoki Ogoshi
Tomoki Ogoshi, Kanazawa University, Japan, has been awarded for significant work in supramolecular chemistry

Educate – Inspire – Connect
Nobel Laureates and young scientists enjoyed international research dialogue in relaxed atmosphere at the 63rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Inexpensive Arylations with Cobalt
Cobalt catalyst for C–H bond functionalizations could replace more expensive second-row transition-metal complexes

2012 ISI Journal Impact Factors
Excellent Results for Wiley and Wiley-VCH in the 2012 Journal Citation Reports

Angewandte Chemie 28/2013: It's All Natural
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Merck-Banyu Lectureship Award 2012 Winner
Dr. Mamoru Tobisu, Osaka University, Japan, received the 2012 Merck-Banyu Lectureship Award

Understanding Molecular Doping
A mechanism involving charge transfer is predominant in the interaction between organic semiconductors and dopants

Michael Bendikov (1971 – 2013)
Michael Bendikov, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, has passed away