Plague detection through anti-carbohydrate antibodies could lead to rapid point-of-care diagnosis

Sugar Coating Reveals Black Death

New Supramolecular Assembly with Exceptionally High Boron Content
A supramolecular cubooctahedron packed with 240 boron atoms has been synthesized using coordination-driven assembly

Conveying the Excitement of Chemistry on YouTube
Martyn Poliakoff, UK, and freelance filmmaker Brady Haran discuss how YouTube can be used to inspire the next generation of chemists

Enantioselective Carbene-Catalyzed Annulations
2-benzoxopinones were synthesized by a dual activation strategy, involving N-heterocyclic carbene catalysis and a second Lewis base

Extracting the Medicine from Traditional Chinese Medicine
Isolated compounds from Chinese medicine often show physiological activity. One such compound from Gansong has been identified

Malleobactin Structure Elucidated
The virulence factor malleobactin has been shown to contain an unprecedented nitro-bearing amino acid

A Spontaneous Resolution
Chiral supramolecular fluorophores can be made by simple crystallisation

Graphene Onion Rings
Tiny sliced onion three-dimensional (3D) rings of graphene have been produced and investigated

100th Birthday: Mildred Cohn
A biochemist who overcame religious and sexual discrimination

Modern Tools for the Synthesis of Complex Bioactive Molecules
Application of innovative modern synthetic methods and techniques for preparing natural products and other compounds of biological and pharmacological interest