Artificial muscle contracts and expands with changes in humidity
Miniature Arm Lifts Weights
Redox-Switchable Catalyst for Ring-Closing Metathesis
Homogeneous, redox-switchable, N-heterocyclic carbene/ferrocenyl-based catalysts for ring-closing metathesis reactions
Self-Assembled Wheels
Two different terpyridine ligands self-assemble when mixed with zinc(II) ions to form 2D or 3D spoked wheels
Concise Total Synthesis of a Newly Discovered Alkaloid
A concise synthesis of a novel alkaloid natural product with the pyrroloindoloquinazoline skeleton has been devised
Angewandte Chemie 30/2013: A Shining Example
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Squaring Up To Michael Additions
Organocatalytic continuous-flow Michael additions give great selectivity and good product diversity
Sugar Coating Reveals Black Death
Plague detection through anti-carbohydrate antibodies could lead to rapid point-of-care diagnosis
New Supramolecular Assembly with Exceptionally High Boron Content
A supramolecular cubooctahedron packed with 240 boron atoms has been synthesized using coordination-driven assembly
Conveying the Excitement of Chemistry on YouTube
Martyn Poliakoff, UK, and freelance filmmaker Brady Haran discuss how YouTube can be used to inspire the next generation of chemists
Enantioselective Carbene-Catalyzed Annulations
2-benzoxopinones were synthesized by a dual activation strategy, involving N-heterocyclic carbene catalysis and a second Lewis base