Diols which are conformationaly favorable are specifically activated by LiCl

Selecting a Hydroxy Group with LiCl

Angewandte Chemie 49/2013: Origins
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Radical Transfer
Spin-center transfer is modified by solvent and temperature in a neutral radical system

Building-Block Compounds from Iodoaldol Reactions
The iodoaldol reaction of internal alkynyl ketones gives useful oxygen-functionalized vinyl iodides

Winner of Last iPad Raffle
ChemistryViews.org is pleased to announce the winner of the last raffle

One-Step Anomerization of Pyranosides
Synthesis of a 1,2-cis glucosamine oligomer

Safer Methods for Carbonylative Coupling
Palladium-catalyzed carbonylative α-arylation of aryl bromides

Cheaper Chlorination of Organic Compounds
Inexpensive hydrochloric acid is promising for low-cost electrochemical chlorination

Switching Catalysts for Choosing Products
Organic bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)methyl-based catalysts prove versatile for selecting aldol or olefination products

The Falling Walls Conference
The tremendous possibilities arising for mankind were presented in a single day