The Times Higher Education University Ranking 2014–2015 places Caltech in the top spot, followed by Harvard and Oxford
![Times Higher Education World University Rankings](
Times Higher Education World University Rankings
![Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 – Voting Results Friday 03 October](
Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 – Voting Results Friday 03 October
Latest results of the predictions for the next Nobel Prize in Chemistry
![150th Anniversary of the Kekulé Benzene Structure](
150th Anniversary of the Kekulé Benzene Structure
It is said that August Kekulé rationalized the structure after he was inspired by a daydream about a snake biting its tail
![Angewandte Chemie 41/2014: Fueling Chemistry](
Angewandte Chemie 41/2014: Fueling Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
![Ben Feringa Gives Theodor Förster Memorial Lecture](
Ben Feringa Gives Theodor Förster Memorial Lecture
Feringa's outstanding work is honored with one of the most important photochemistry awards worldwide
![Ischia Advanced School of Organic Chemistry 2014](
Ischia Advanced School of Organic Chemistry 2014
The Ischia Advanced School of Organic Chemistry was held on September 21–25, 2014
![75th Birthday: Jean-Marie Lehn](
75th Birthday: Jean-Marie Lehn
Jean-Marie Lehn received the Nobel chemistry prize in 1987; answer to Guess the Chemist (33)
![Hidden Colors](
Hidden Colors
Caged rhodamine dyes used as “hidden” markers in subdiffractional and conventional light microscopy
![Hydrogen From Iron?](
Hydrogen From Iron?
The iron-catalyzed dehydrogenation of formic acid as a step on the road to a hydrogen economy
![Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 – Voting Results Friday 26 September](
Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 – Voting Results Friday 26 September
Latest results of the predictions for the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry