Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 22/2015: Graphene Power

CWTS Leiden Ranking 2015
Assessing the scientific performance of 750 universities based on bibliometric indicators

Joseph-Achille Le Bel Prize 2014
French organochemist Max Malacria honored

French Chemical Society Awards Pierre Süe Prize
Michel Ephritikhine and Claude Mirodatos honored

French-German Bi-national Award for Matthias Beller
Honoring outstanding discoveries in the field of catalysis

NMR Data on Your Phone or Tablet
App to quickly visualize, process, analyze, and share NMR data on mobile devices

New Route to Phthalides
Rhodium(III) catalysis enables access to phthalides and 2-furanones via directed C–H activation

The Art of Chemistry (9)
Quiz celebrating 20 years of cover art at Chemistry – A European Journal

An Oxygen Boost for Energetic Salts
Energetics with a favorable oxygen balance based on furazan-functionalized tetrazoles

Ruthenium-Based Water Oxidation Catalyst
Non-innocent ligand frameworks for promoting multi-electron reactions