Reaction follows two different paths under light or dark conditions

The Light and Dark Sides of Chemistry

Combining Catalyst and Probe
Probing the reduction of nitroaromatics on nanocatalysts using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Making Benzofuranes from Ketones
Triethyl orthoformate increases nucleophilicity of ketones

Improving Alkyne Metathesis for Natural Products
Two-component alkyne metathesis catalyst has an improved substrate scope

Borrowing Hydrogen to Make Branched Ketones
α-Alkylation of methylene ketones using alcohols

Nonheme Iron Catalyzed Epoxidation
Nonheme iron–oxygen species as a highly effective catalyst for olefin epoxidation

Angewandte Chemie 24/2016: Chirality Now and Then
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

2016 Wolf Prize in Chemistry
K. C. Nicolaou and Stuart L. Schreiber honored

Comet Orbiter Confirms Presence of Amino Acids
Glycine, phosphorus, and several organic molecules found in cometary coma

Angewandte Chemie 23/2016: Resistance is Futile
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie