Marisa Spiniello, Editor of ChemPlusChem, about the challenge to publish truly multidisciplinary papers

The Plus of Networking Between Scientists

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Reactions Inside Of Bubbles
Self-assembled vesicle of an amphiphilic palladium pincer-complex used as a nanoreactor

Angewandte Chemie 3/2017: As Fast As Lightning
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Hydrosilylation Catalysts
α-hydrosilylation of acrylates catalyzed by zwitterionic organocerium species

Fritz Vögtle (1939 – 2017)
Pioneer of dendrimer chemistry passed away

Basic Tips: Write Better Research Papers
Figurative summary on main tips to improve your writing

65th Birthday: Peter Gölitz
Editor-in-Chief of Angewandte Chemie celebrates 65th birthday

MOFs Detect Toxic Ions
Multi-responsive, regenerable, luminescent sensor for toxic and harmful ions

Redox-Active "H-Cruciforms"
Covalently linked oligo(phenyleneethynylene) wires with dithiafulvene units