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Chemist Photo Quiz 2

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Chemist Photo Quiz – Answer 1
Solution: Who is on the first picture

Divergent Syntheses of Alkaloids
Four different lycopodium alkaloids synthesized via cascade reactions

Catalyst-Dependent Cyclization
Selective exo and endo cyclization of N-alkynylindoles using iridium or rhodium catalysts

Chemist Photo Quiz 1
Guess who is pictured and have the chance to win amazing prizes

Learn from Four Nobel Laureates!
Register now for the free online Angewandte Fest Symposium

Angewandte Chemie 27/2017: The Pulse of Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Using CO2 to Make Carboxylic Acids
Reductive cycloisomerization of enynes with carbon dioxide

Fake News and Chemistry: From DDT to Climate Change
An update on a controversial insecticide