London dispersion forces enable unusual bonding
Shortest H···H Contact between Hydrocarbon Molecules
The March for Science Continues
Interview with Eva Haas, EMBL, Heidelberg, about organizing the Science March and follow-up plans
Direct Way to Abnormal NHCs
Synthesis strategy for different aNHC-cobalt(II) complexes developed
10 Chemistry Questions
Celebrating our 7th anniversary with a quiz
Angewandte Chemie 22/2017: O Canada
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Celebrating Canadian Chemistry
Mark Lautens and Douglas W. Stephan reflect on the accomplishments of the Canadian chemical community
CWTS Leiden Ranking 2017
Assessing the scientific performance of over 900 universities based on bibliometric indicators
Phil Baran on What Makes a Good Chemist
Phil Baran about his research and what makes a good chemist
Merck Acquires Start-up with Retro-Synthesis Software
Grzybowski Scientific Inventions (GSI)’s Chematica can design chemically viable synthetic pathways for complex targets within seconds
An Unusual Protonation
Amino-substituted aromatic compound accepts protons on carbon atoms