Different materials and their properties

What is a Football Shirt Made Of?

Total Synthesis of Dimeric Chromanone Lactones
Enantioselective synthesis of the natural products phomopsis-H76 A and blennolide H

World Cup Ball Chemistry Quiz
Test your knowledge of the World Cup ball

Green Photocatalysts for the Synthesis of Imines
Rare-earth-based coordination polymers catalyze the oxidation of amines at room temperature

Gel Networks Replace Air-Free Conditions
Air-sensitive photoredox catalysis reactions performed under ambient conditions in gels

Branched N-Glycans for a Better Understanding of Modified Proteins
Synthesis of a bisecting N‐acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc)‐containing N‐glycan

Organic Molecules on Mars
NASA rover Curiosity detects various organic compounds in Martian rocks

Photochemical Generation of Chiral N,B,X-Heterocycles
Photoisomerization of chiral boron compounds leads to boron insertion into a C–X bond

Hydrogel for Damage-Free Tape Removal
Restoration of paper artworks with microemulsions enclosed in hydrogels for safe and efficient removal of adhesive tapes

When Fluorine Meets Iodine
Simple synthetic route to fluorinated oxazolines