Air-sensitive photoredox catalysis reactions performed under ambient conditions in gels
Gel Networks Replace Air-Free Conditions
Branched N-Glycans for a Better Understanding of Modified Proteins
Synthesis of a bisecting N‐acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc)‐containing N‐glycan
Organic Molecules on Mars
NASA rover Curiosity detects various organic compounds in Martian rocks
Photochemical Generation of Chiral N,B,X-Heterocycles
Photoisomerization of chiral boron compounds leads to boron insertion into a C–X bond
Hydrogel for Damage-Free Tape Removal
Restoration of paper artworks with microemulsions enclosed in hydrogels for safe and efficient removal of adhesive tapes
When Fluorine Meets Iodine
Simple synthetic route to fluorinated oxazolines
Enantioselective Synthesis of Bromocycloalkenes
Copper-catalyzed reaction starts from meso-dibromocycloalkenes
Ultrastable Covalent Organic Frameworks
Strong hydrogen bonds protect material in harsh conditions
Three Generations of Organic Chemists
R. Huisgen, M. Breugst, H.-U. Reissig about their research and what they have learned and envy from each other
Guess the Chemist (78)
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