Photo-pinacol coupling catalyzed by GaN nanowires

Reusable Nanowire Photocatalyst for Radical Couplings

LGBTQ+ in STEM: Visibility and Beyond
How scientists work hand-in-hand with their institutes to promote diversity and inclusivity

Happy Birthday EuChemS!
The European Chemical Society (EuChemS) celebrates its 50th anniversary - A brief look at the history of EuChemS

2D Vinylene-Bridged Covalent Organic Frameworks
Knoevenagel condensation of tricyanomesitylene witth aromatic aldehydes gives highly crystalline COFs

Metal-Free Route to Imidazole-Substituted Uridine
Modified nucleoside could be useful as molecular probe or antiviral drug

Large-Scale Synthesis of Horse-Chestnut Leaf-Miner Pheromone
Green iron-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction gives product for pest control

Guess the Molecule
Which molecule is in the picture? - anniversary contest for July

Cross-Electrophile Coupling of Alkyl and Aryl Chlorides
New organosilane reagent for challenging chlorine atom abstraction

Bispidine Ligand for Gallium-68
Radiolabelled complex could be useful as a theranostic agent

Asher Mandelbaum (1934 – 2020)
Prominent mass spectrometry researcher at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology passed away