Readily accessible pyrrolidines converted to substituted cyclobutanes with multiple stereocenters

Synthesis of Cyclobutanes via Ring Contraction

Synthesis of Dibenzylic Diselenides Using Elemental Selenium
Reaction of quaternary ammonium salts with selenium

Do Glass Reactors Influence the Miller–Urey Experiment?
Silica and silicates change products of classic experiment simulating the chemical origin of life

Continuous-Flow Catalysis Using a Lewis Acid
Heterogeneously catalyzed enantioselective Friedel–Crafts reactions with scandium-based Lewis acid

Total Synthesis of (±)-Furanether A
Biologically active tetracyclic compound prepared in 13 linear steps

Synthesis of Aryl-Dichlorophosphines
One-pot reaction using organozinc reagents

150th Anniversary: Death of Adolph Strecker
Chemist well-known for the Strecker amino acid synthesis

Angewandte Chemie 46/2021: Chemistry on Any Scale
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Concise Synthesis of Molnupiravir
Antiviral drug for the treatment of COVID-19

Synthesizing Axially Chiral Biaryls
Asymmetric insertion of rhodium carbene catalyst into arene C–H bonds