Grab Your Coat

Grab Your Coat

A one-step method for exfoliation and functionalization by a surface-active protein provides a new way to ultrathin coated graphene.

Graphene Sandwiches

Graphene Sandwiches

A bottom-up strategy was used for the large-scale production of 2D graphene-based nanosheets that have a sandwichlike structure.

G. Ozin Wins Prize

G. Ozin Wins Prize

Wiley-VCH author Professor Geoffrey Ozin wins the Premier's Discovery Award in Natural Sciences and Engineering.

Size Matters!

Size Matters!

Molecular dynamic simulations of molecules in single-walled boron-nitride nanotubes reveal effects of nanoscale confinement.

Going Quantum Dotty!

Going Quantum Dotty!

A bioanalytical enzymatic system producing fluorescent nanoparticles employs additional sensitive techniques.

Carbon Conquered

Carbon Conquered

A new form of carbon turns out to be synthetically approachable, stable and behaves as a semiconductor

GDCh Prize Nominations Open

GDCh Prize Nominations Open

Who has made a significant contribution to chemistry? The call for tenders for the 2011 GDCh prizes is now open.