Silver Bales

Silver Bales

Ordinary cotton coated with silver and electrified creates water filter that has no moving parts and requires very little power

Angewandte Author Profiles

Angewandte Author Profiles

Albert Schenning, Carsten Schmuck, Ramón Martínez-Máñez, and José Barluenga are interviewed this month

Molecular Imaging

Molecular Imaging

Modifications to standard scanning tunneling microscope allows individual molecules to be viewed

Magnetic Material At A Stretch

Magnetic Material At A Stretch

Europium titanate thin films – simultaneously both ferroelectric and ferromagnetic – have great potential in electronics

Magnetic Nanopaper

Magnetic Nanopaper

Magnetic nanoparticles in super-strong nanopaper prevent the forgery of paper money, filter off metal particles, and much more