C. N. R. Rao talks to ChemViews about naomaterials, research in India, and the EurJIC special issue of which he is the guest editor
Interview with C. N. R. Rao
Sniffer Dog on a Chip
Highly sensitive nanosensor array allows detection of TNT down to 0.1 part per trillion
Skin Deep
Two new developments could bring artificial skin a step closer
Going With the Flow
Observation of single ions passing through a nanotube channel could herald more sensitive detectors or new desalination systems
Gérard Férey: CNRS Gold Medal
The centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) Gold Medal 2010 has been awarded to Prof. Dr. Gérard Férey
3rd EuCheMS Congress – Impressive & Lively Event
The 3rd EuCheMS Congress in Nuremberg was an impressive and lively event. ChemViews brings you the highlights
That's ChemistryViews.org
ChemistryViews is the online portal for anyone interested in chemistry
Angewandte Chemie 38/2010 – A Bright Future
An overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Competition For Start-Ups
Competition for young start-ups offers a total amount of 76.000 EUR, valuable contacts, professional feedback, and industry know-how
Calls For EU's Framework Programme
2011 calls for the European Union's 7th Framework Programme: 6.4 billion EUR — Europe's biggest ever investment in research and innovation