Innovative techniques allows the study of interfaces with great precision and could lead to rational design of catalytic materials

Surfaces and Interfaces

Nano Virus Detector
Detecting lethal viruses in blood samples at airports and other public places could help halt epidemics

Logical Solution
A molecular system that carries out a logic function could "calculate" which is the predominant ion in a mixed solution

Controlled Release
A clever study to investigate strain-controlled release of a payload by using polymer micro-reservoirs supported on a flexible substrate

Unexpected Pollutants
Metallic particles present in a firework, which are released in its smoke when it explodes, could pose a health risk, particularly to asthmatics

B. Z. Shakhashiri Voted ACS President
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, voted 2011 ACS President

It's A Lot Of Plastic That Has To Be Produced!
Frantisek Svec talks about plastics, separtaion sciences, the latest CET topical issue, the Molecular Foundry, societies and the web

Crystalline 2D DNA Origami Arrays
Double-layer DNA-origami tile with two orthogonal domains underwent self-assembly into well-ordered, 2–3 μm 2D DNA arrays

Graphene From Solid Carbon Sources
Large area, high-quality graphene with controllable thickness can be grown from different solid carbon sources

Job: Assistant Editor Positions
Chemistry – An Asian Journal/Chemistry – A European Journal/ChemCatChem/ChemSusChem offer Assistant Editor positions (f/m)