Summer School Success

Summer School Success

Organized by the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia with support from RSEQ, the ICIQ summer school once again proved successful

Purely Nano

Purely Nano

Water treatment devices that incorporate nanoscale materials are already available and the need for clean water is pressing

Fighting Fire with Clay

Fighting Fire with Clay

New method of forming plastic nanocomposites proves less toxic and more efficient for use in flame retardants

A General Assembly

A General Assembly

Crystalline assemblies of Au and Ag nanoparticles have been exploited as sensors for the presence of chemical and enzymatic analytes

Ivy: New Sunblocker

Ivy: New Sunblocker

Ivy nanoparticles may protect skin from UV radiation at least four times better than the metal-based sunblocks found on store shelves today

Which First: Chicken Or Egg?

Which First: Chicken Or Egg?

An article of Angewandte Chemie is lively discussed in the press if it gives the answer to this age old mystery question