An overview of the current edition of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 6/2011: Nano and the Rest

Most Accessed Articles: December 2010
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for December 2010

Water Repellent Transferable Graphene
The hydrophobic nature of transferable graphene oxide films can be tuned simply by changing pH and voltage

Angewandte Author Profiles February
Axel Schulz, Annie Powell, Takeshi Kawase, and Nobuharu Iwasawa, are interviewed this month

Bilayer Organic Transistor
New transistor for plastic electronics exhibits the best of both worlds: high stability and good conduction

Wonderlab Comic — Survivor
A new comic series by Sophie Lin: It's a bad day for glassware in Sophie's lab as they play Survivor ...

How Safe Is Nano?
Nanotoxicology: An interdisciplinary challenge

Nanoparticles Filter Cancer Cells
Outside-the-body filtration device removes a large portion of the free-floating cancer cells that often create secondary tumors

Nanoparticle Security Printing
A modified inkjet printer can be used to "print" luminescent nanomaterials with different wavelengths for security purposes

Angewandte Chemie 5/2011: Building Bridges
An overview of the lastest issue of Angewandte Chemie