An overview of the lastest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Angewandte Chemie 5/2011: Building Bridges
Winner of the First iPad
Professor Hee Yoon Lee, KAIST, Korea, is the December winner of the campaign: Register for ChemViews Newsletter & Win an iPad
Angewandte Chemie 4/2011: Women in Chemistry
Overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie
Language Skills Important in Graduate Recruitment
Europe-wide survey among employers shows that for graduate recruitment soft skills are as valued as sector-specific and computer skills
RNase-Resistant RNA Nanoparticles
Modified RNA that is resistant to RNase could be the key to future RNA-based nanotechnologies
Self Assembly of Nanoscale Ropes
Diblock copolymers that self assemble into rope-like helices developed with good control over length and internal structure
Chemical Approach to Graphene Nanoribbons
Bottom-up synthesis of conjugated graphene nanoribbons up to 40 nm with defined structures has been developed
Single Molecule Imaging of Hotspots
Electromagnetic hotspots on optically lit metallic surfaces shown to be highly localized by Brownian Emitter Adsorption Super-resolution Technique (BEAST)
Converting Wasted Heat Into Electricity
Nanostructured material exhibits high thermoelectric figure of merit that is expected to convert 14 % of heat waste to electricity
How Do Atoms Interact With Surfaces?
Measuring the van der Waals forces between atoms and surfaces with precision could help development of nanodevices