Modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes show their promise as separators of chiral drugs

Novel Method for Enantioseparation of Drugs

Angewandte Chemie 25/2011: Useful Reactions
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

More Stable Nanocomposites for Solar Cells
Improved long-term stabilty of solar cells possible with nanoparticle coating that prevents aggregation in nanocomposites

Angewandte Chemie 24/2011: Rapid Acquisition Yet High Quality
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Nano Safety
The safety of nanoparticles is under constant examination and recent research suggests their toxicity does not depend on size

Wonderlab Comic — Alcohol Lamp
It's Gin-Jo's birthday in the Wonderlab and Sophie has arranged a little surprise

Power Grid Buffer?
Fluctuations in the power grid due to wind or solar sources could be solved by new production process for supercapacitors

Breaking the Bottleneck in Forward Osmosis
The problem that slows the production of clean water has been overcome with a new, thin nanofiber osmosis membrane

Angewandte Author Profiles June
José L. Alonso, Jin-Quan Yu, Guy Bertrand, and Kenichiro Itami, are interviewed this month

Lotus Effect at High Temperature
Typical wetting transition of water droplets on micro- and nanostructured surfaces at high temperatures