The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for March 2012

Most Accessed Articles: March 2012

Large-Scale Fabrication of Hydro- And Aerogels
Monolithic hydrogels and aerogels fabricated on macroscopic scale by simple template-directed, hydrothermal carbonization process

Novel Uranyl Organic Frameworks
Unusually small number of components forms giant unique anionic Uranyl Organic Frameworks (UOFs)

New X-Ray Technique Improves Printable Eelectronics
X-ray technique gives new insight into how organic polymers can be used in printable electronics such as transistors and solar cells

Enzyme-dependent Cargo Release
Dual-enzyme responsive capped mesoporous silica particles allow a controlled delivery profile of the entrapped cargo

J. Wang Receives Breyer Medal
Joseph Wang has received the top prize in electrochemistry from the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI)

Angewandte Chemie 16/2012: Activate!
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Happy Easter From ChemistryViews
ChemistryViews wishes all its readers a happy Easter and recommends some articles to get you in the Easter spirit

Nano Magnets Enter the Brain
Nano magnets conjugated to lactoferrin cross the blood-brain barrier opening up diagnostic and therapeutic applications

On the Dot
Recently reported new class of quantum dot has the potential to combine magnetic and optical properties, opening the door for new applications