R. Nonninger, President German Association of Nanotechnology, talks about why nanotechnology is essential for our future

Interview with Dr. Nonninger on New German Nanotechnology Association

Curious About Binol in Graphene Prep
A binol salt can be used as a surfactant in the preparation of a stable aqueous dispersion of graphene

Growing Nanoflowers With Proteins
A new method to produce protein-inorganic nanoflowers

Proteins Produce Semiconductors
Genetic engineering and molecular evolution used to develop the enzymatic synthesis of a semiconductor

Painkiller by Photosynthesis
Selective and effective: silicon nanowires as photoelectrodes for carbon dioxide fixation

Nobel Prize Reduced to Safeguard Long-Term Capital
Size of the Nobel Prize is being reduced by 20 % to safeguard long-term capital

Fast Track to Latest Research
Early View articles of 170 peer-reviewed chemistry journals — keep yourself easily up-to-date about the latest findings in your field

Angewandte Author Profiles June 2012
Max Malacria, Kiyotomi Kaneda, Zuowei Xie, and Helmut Schwarz are interviewed this month

Exposure Assessment of Nanoscale Aerosols
Pragmatic approach to an exposure assessment of nanoscale aerosols released from engineered nanomaterials in the workplace

Angewandte Chemie 23/2012: The Art of Abstraction
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie