First report of the synthesis of polymer-supported and large-scale free-standing metal-organic framework (MOF) membranes
Synthesis of Metal–Organic Framework Membrane
Most Accessed Articles: July 2012
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for July 2012
Angewandte on the iPad
Do you want to read Angewandte on the road or on your sofa? New app allows you to browse Angewandte Chemie on the iPad
Nano-pesticides: Chance or Risk for Agriculture?
Comprehensive overview of the actual state of knowledge, environmental fate, and exposure modeling of nano-pesticides
The Dark Side of Nanoparticles
Zinc oxide and copper nanoparticles produce detrimental effects on soil chemistry and bacterial composition
Golden Trojan Horses
Coating Au-198 nanoparticles with epigallocatechin-gallate allows their selective up-take and retention by cancer cells
Ranking of Worldwide Research Institutions
The Scimago Institutions Ranking, the SIR World Reports 2012, is the most comprehensive ranking of Worldwide Research Institutions
Reducing Carbon Nanotube Toxicity
Ultrasound is used to carve carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to release toxic metal impurities in a similar way to wind carving the sand hills in a desert
Angewandte Chemie 34/2012: In the Limelight
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Fragments of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes
Book that looks at the rapidly growing interest in open geodesic polyaromatic molecules is reviewed by Fabien Durola, France