The structural arrangement of Au/γ-Fe2O3 binary nanoparticle assemblies can be controlled resulting in integrated and segregated assemblies
Integrated and Segregated Binary Nanoparticle Assemblies
Angewandte Chemie 47/2012: A Rich Harvest
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Colloids as Artificial Atoms
By imitating atomic bonding, American scientists induce the self-assembly of colloidal particles along define directions
RSEQ Gold Medal to N. Martín
Highest honor of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) presented to Nazario Martín, Madrid
Understanding Friction on the Nanoscale
Innovative technology to describe the behavior of individual particles of a colloid in friction conditions
Laser the Size of a Virus
The miniaturization of the laser is critical to ultra-fast data processing and ultra-dense information storage
Impact of Au Nanoparticles on Plants
Uptake and distribution of Au nanoparticles in rice, perennial ryegrass, radish, and pumpkin investigated
Metal-Free Electrocatalysts for Fuel Cells
Carbon nanotubes functionalized with poly(imidazolium) zwitterions show excellent activity in the oxygen reduction reaction
Butterfly Effects in Nano Solutions
What almost sounds like a weird solution memory effect, homeopathy almost, is important for reproducibility of experiments and controlling parameters
Inverse Fingerprints on Paper
Reversed visualization of latent fingermarks on paper is possible remedy to the variation in sweat composition