Fe10BO3/Fe3O4/SiO2 nanocomposites for efficient neutron capture therapy materials featuring magnetic properties

Fe10BO3/Fe3O4/SiO2 Nanocomposites

Nanopesticides: State of Knowledge
First comprehensive analysis of knowledge of nanopesticides including definitions, categories, possible consequences, and regulation

Carbon Nanotube Membranes for Water Supply
Carbon nanotube membranes have been shown to be ideal for the removal of contaminants from water

Self-Assembly of Triazole-Linked Porphyrin-Polymer Conjugates
Triazole-linked porphyrin–polymer conjugates that assemble into supramolecular assemblies though porphyrinatozinc–triazole coordination developed

Smart Windows Become Smarter
A novel nanocrystal-in-glass composite can be used to generate smart windows that block heat but absorb light

Nanoparticles Awake the Immune System
PLGA-b-PEG nanoparticles delivering zinc phthalocyanine can be used to stimulate the immune system against cancer cells

Miniature Pump
A polymer gel that continuously responds to fleeting stimuli described

Nanotech Toughens Up Water Purification
Silica-titania nanofibers could provide a tougher filter for cleaning up water contaminated with sewage or industrial pollutants

Short overview on ChemistryViews.org

Explosive Nanotechnology
A team of American scientists have developed highly reactive nanoenergetic formulations based on periodate salts