The continuous and reversible control of nanopore size in zeolite-templated carbon can be achieved by applying mechanical force

A New Way to Control Nanopore Size

Chemistry is Cool! Photocompetition closed
Romanian Young Chemists Group invites you to participate at the first edition of “FOTOCHIMICA” Competition of Photography

The Challenges of Regulating Nanomaterials
Dr. Otto Linher, European Commission, talks about the challenges of defining and regulating nanomaterials

Fullerenols: Fulfilling our Future Energy Needs
Carbon to catalyze low-carbon, hydrogen economy

Wonderlab Comic – Lab Journal
The occupants of Wonderlab learn the importance of keeping their lab journals up to date

Picture Competition 2013 & Calendar 2014
The best pictures showing the beautiful and fascinating things you find in a chemistry lab are combined in a calendar for 2014

Picture Competition 2013 & Calendar 2014
The best pictures showing the beautiful and fascinating things you find in a chemistry lab are combined in a calendar for 2014

Evolving Nanopores
Directed evolution techniques used to build biological nanopores with specific dimensions, thus allowing specific analytes to be targeted

125 Years of Liquid Crystals
Since the discovery of liquid crystals in 1888, the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1991 was awarded for research into liquid crystals and they have become essential to our everyday lives

Müllen Awarded the Adolf von Baeyer Medal
The Adolf von Baeyer Medal of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh; German Chemical Society) has been presented to Professor Klaus Müllen