Professor Mario Markus, scientist, artist, author, and poet, talks about what science can offer to art and how art can benefit science

Poetry and Chemistry

Searching for Xmas Presents?
Still searching for a Christmas present? Editors recommend Christmas presents with a scientific flavor ...

Selective NO Trapping
1D chain compounds possessing a high donor character synthesized to selectively capture nitric oxide

C. N. R. Rao Received Jewel of India
Professor C. N. R. Rao has been presented India's highest civilian honor

Super-Stretchy Electronics
Highly stretchable fiber-shaped supercapacitor based on carbon nanotubes

Winner of Last iPad Raffle is pleased to announce the winner of the last raffle

From the Ocean into the Reactor
New sorbents efficiently extract uranium from seawater

The Falling Walls Conference
The tremendous possibilities arising for mankind were presented in a single day

Electrical Storage with Porous Carbon
A porous carbon framework templated using a modified zeolite could offer a solution to the issue of electrical energy storage

Are We Refereeing Ourselves to Death? The Peer-Review System at Its Limit
As François Diederich's term of Chairman of the board of Angewandte Chemie comes to an end, he reflects on the peer-review system