Copper mesh with pH-switchable wettability can be used for on-demand oil/water separation

Oil/Water Separation Using a Switchable Mesh

Enhanced Ethanol Oxidation Using Trimetallic Nanoalloys
RhPdPt nanoalloys display a high electrocatalytic activity toward ethanol oxidation

French Young Chemists’ Network Created
France's regional young chemist groups decided to work together in order to be stronger and more visible

150th Anniversary: Kekulé's Benzene Structure
Kekulé's groundbreaking idea was published in 1865

Angewandte Chemie 5/2015: The Power of Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Sodalite has a cubic crystal structure; answer to Guess the Mineral

A Sponge to Clean Up Oil Spills
Hydrophobic, oleophilic, and highly porous carbon-silica sponge is capable of adsorbing up to 140 times its own weight of oil

Wiley-CST Green Chemistry Award
Thai researchers honored for their contributions to environmentally friendly chemistry

Behind the Science: Carbon Networks for Improved Batteries
Dr. Uhlrich, Energy Technology, talks to Professor Jim Yang Lee, National University of Singapore, about his recent article

Most Accessed Articles: December 2014
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals for December 2014