Biodegradable polymer for cardiac tissue engineering

Anti-Blood-Clot Polyurethane for Medical Applications

Organic Crystals Twist, Bend, and Heal
Thermally twistable, photobendable, elastically deformable, and self-healable soft crystal

All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries
Azobenzene compounds incorporated into solid electrolyte improve stabilty

First Step towards Calcium Batteries
First electrochemical oxidation of a transition metal oxide by calcium extraction

Nanosheets for Improved Electrocatalysis
Metal-organic-framework-derived nanomaterial

What is a Football Shirt Made Of?
Different materials and their properties

Chemistry of the World Cup 2018 Ball
Telstar 18 is made of bio-based EPDM rubber

3D Graphene Nanostructures
Novel 3D graphene nanostructures for use in perovskite solar cells developed

Methane Adsorption in Metal-Organic Frameworks
Combination of experimental and computational methods provides insights into methane adsorption and mobility

Tin-Oxide-Derived Anodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries
Carbon nanofibers with tin oxide nanoparticles have outstanding electrochemical performance