Conductive silk-wrapped carbon nanotube yarns

Silk-Coated Wires for Wearable Electronics

Magnetically Directed 3D Bioprinting
Collagen fibers aligned by applying a magnetic field form complex multilayered tissues

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018
The prize was awarded to Frances H. Arnold, George P. Smith, and Sir Gregory P. Winter for their work on directed evolution

Oxygen-Generating Material Preserves Blood Vessels
Improved storage technique for transplanted tissues

Behind the Science: Dissolved Oxygen Influences Magnesium Corrosion
K. Lawrence, ChemistryOpen, talked to E. Silva, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany, about his work on corrosion

Element Video Competition
Submit your outstanding video and have the chance to win an iPad - Submit before October 1, 2019

"Sulfur Spillover" Phenomenon on Carbon
Possible impacts on rechargeable metal-sulfur batteries

Hermann Staudinger Prize for Brigitte Voit
Honoring outstanding contributions to polymer chemistry

Oxygen Diffusion in CeO2
Optical analysis of oxygen self-diffusion using luminescent nanowires

Most Accessed Articles: August 2018
Highlights from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals