Formamidinium nitroformate less sensitive to friction and impact

Safer Alternative to Commonly Used RDX Explosive

First Haloplumbate Made from Highly‐Coordinated Pb2+ Ions
3D Haloplumbate framework composed of nanoclusters with highly-coordinated Pd(II)

Diamond-Like Zwitterionic Metal–Organic Framework
Charge-separated MOF assembled from tetrahedral borates and Cu(I) cations

Improving the Adhesion of Carbon Fibers
Surface modification using sulfur‐fluoride exchange click chemistry

Semiconductors Combine Forces in Photocatalysis
Active photocatalyst: 2D/2D heterojunction of black phosphorus and bismuth tungstate

Swiss Industrial Chemistry Symposium
Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) fosters exchange between industrial chemists and Ph.D. students and postdocs

Nanotubes for Efficient Photocatalytic Water Splitting
Wall‐mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride nanotubes show excellent photocatalytic activity

Keeping Insulin Fresh Inside a Metal–Organic Framework
Encapsulation preserves the bioactivity of protein therapeutics

Nanotube Protection Layer Prevents Lithium Dendrites
Lithiated multiwall carbon nanotube interface for safer lithium-ion batteries

Improved Uranium Extraction from Seawater
High-performance nanofiber adsorbent can be easily produced in large amounts