Zeolite-cotton hybrid material developed

A T-Shirt That Can Stop Bleeding

Metal–Organic Framework Protects Frozen Red Blood Cells
Zirconium-based nanoparticles can replace toxic organic solvents or expensive antifreeze proteins

Hierarchically Porous Covalent Organic Framework Made Using Baking Soda
Disordered material for the ultrafast adsorption of various pollutants

Partitioning of Porous Materials
Highly resorptive metal–organic frameworks constructed using two different synthetic principles

Angewandte Chemie 19/2019: Cross-Over
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Iron(II) Analogue of ZIF-8 Synthesized for the First Time
Iron(II)-based metal–organic framework (MOF) prepared using solvent-free process

A Close Look at Lithium Batteries
Fluorescence probe shows the distribution of active lithium species on lithium metal anodes

Stable Olefin-Linked Covalent Organic Framework
First unsubstituted olefin-linked COF was synthesized via aldol condensation

Improved Anti-Icing Materials
Phase-switching liquids can delay ice and frost formation up to 300 times longer than state-of-the-art coatings

First Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework with Circularly Polarized Luminescence
Improved luminescence quantum yield and circular polarization