Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Most Accessed Articles: June 2022

Photo Competition – Your Submissions
Photos that represent your personal view of chemistry

Photo Competition – Your View of Chemistry
Submit photos that represent your personal view of chemistry and have the chance to win a book

A Chain-Like Cuprofullerene Pyrazolate Polymer
Example of a metallofullerene with semiconductivity

Monolayer Polymeric Fullerene Synthesized
New 2D carbon material with a unique structure

New Editor-in-Chief for ChemPhotoChem
Dr. Deanne Nolan named Editor-in-Chief of ChemPhotoChem by Chemistry Europe and Wiley-VCH

A New Mechanism for AIE-TADF Behaviors
Conformational isomerization can play a role in thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) with aggregation-induced emission (AIE)

Tracing Local Glass Recycling in First-Millennium Spain
Rare alkali elements as markers of secondary glass processing and recycling

Selective Adsorption of Perfluorocarbons by Porous Organic Cages
Perfluorocarbons are potent greenhouse gases

Ultrathin Magnesium Metal Anodes
Essential component for high‐energy‐density magnesium batteries