Single-domain 2D monolayer arrays grown on substrates

Confinement Used to Control the Growth of 2D Materials

Molecular Chainmail
Catenated covalent organic frameworks synthesized

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Buckybowl Luminophores with Color-Tunable Afterglow
Five different host molecules used to provide different intermolecular interactions in host/guest systems

Angewandte 3/2023: Opportunities
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Graphene-Like Sheet Made from Fullerenes
"Graphullerene" is a two-dimensional crystalline C60 polymer

Nitrimine and Azide Combined in a Heterocyclic Explosive
1-Nitrimino-5-azidotetrazole prepared

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Wood Is the Material of Tomorrow – Already Today
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Angewandte Chemie 1/2023: Little Boxes
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