Cost-effective biocompatible lenses with rhodamine derivatives created

Contact Lenses for the Color-Blind

Angewandte Chemie 21/2018: Economic and Ecological
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Synthetic Cells for Tumor Treatment
Artificial vesicles produce anticancer proteins

Vanadium Dioxide for Ultrafast Zinc Intercalation
Nanofiber-based electrode could provide improved zinc‐ion batteries

Fullerenes for Perovskite Solar Cells
First efficient hole-transporting/electron blocking layer made from fullerene-based materials

CWTS Leiden Ranking 2018
Assessing the scientific performance of over 900 universities based on bibliometric indicators

Sugar Additives Prolong the Lifetime of Radicals
Increasing the stability of photoresponsive organic materials

High-Efficiency Chiral Meta-Lens
Lens created from metamaterials can focus light on two different points simultaneously

Giant Molecular Cerium-Bismuth Tungstate Superstructure
Porous framework with high proton conductivity

Self‐Ordering Induced by Touch
Pattern can be read out using birefringence; allows the recording of fingerprints