Methylammonium bismuth iodide used in nontoxic, highly sensitive, and stable detectors

Polycrystalline Perovskite Pellets for Stable X‐Ray Detectors

HF-Loaded Aluminium Chlorofluoride for Hydrofluorination Reactions
Very strong Lewis acid catalyst combined with hydrofluoric acid

65th Birthday: Manfred Scheer
German inorganic chemist focusing on substituent-free main group element ligand complexes

Bispidine Ligand for Gallium-68
Radiolabelled complex could be useful as a theranostic agent

Gold Clusters with a Concentration-Dependent Structure
Polynuclear gold(I) sulfido complexes with bis(diphenylphosphino)amine ligands

Diamino-Substituted Carbodiphosphorane Forms Unusual Complexes
First trigonal planar ZnCl2 adduct

100th Anniversary: Death of Ludwig Gattermann
German chemist known for the Gattermann reaction

Phosphanylalumanes for Alkyne Activation
Compounds with a P–Al bond convert internal alkynes to frustrated Lewis pairs

Most Accessed Articles: May 2020
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

75th Birthday: Luis Oro
Spanish organometallic chemist and former President of EuChemS and the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ)