Range of ruthenabenzenes synthesized and used as aromatic equivalents of Grubbs-type metathesis catalysts

Ruthenabenzenes Can Be Used in Catalysis

Cooperative Catalysis in Semi-Synthetic Enzymes
Reconstitution of hydrogenases using a series of Mn(I) complexes

2D Nanomaterials as Solid Lubricants
Long-term friction and wear performance of MXene coatings studied

Angewandte Chemie 20/2021: Protection
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Metallocene Batteries
High coulombic efficiency at ultrafast rates

Acidity of Individual Hydroxyl Groups Probed
Atomic force microscopy used for assessing proton affinity

150th Birthday: Victor Grignard
French chemist known for Grignard reagents and the CāC bond-forming Grignard reaction

Smart Glasses: Tool or Toy? ā Part 1
Latest research into laboratory applications for smart glasses

Luminescent Lithium and Magnesium Complexes
Pincer ligand composed of a carbazole unit and two carbenes leads to bright luminescence

Guess the Chemist (113)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?