Seawater brines are an enormous potential source of minerals and metals - first discoveries

Can Brine from Seawater Desalination Plants Be a Source of Critical Metals?

Prussian Blue: Discovery and Betrayal – Part 1
Around 1700, Berlin was a colorful center of innovation – a scene that led to the discovery of the century: Prussian blue

“Naked” Sn368– Tin Nanorod Synthesized
First example of a tin cluster assembled from Zintl-ion fragments

Angewandte Chemie 19/2022: High Performance
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Re-Designed ChemistryViews
The tried-and-true content remains the same, but the look and feel and underlying architecture have been thoroughly revamped

Unusual Divalent Nitrogen (I) Species
Diphosphazenium cation with a low-valent nitrogen center is isoelectronic to carbodiphosphoranes

Call for Nominations: New Prize for Ludic Sciences
Recognition of a scientific work resulting from research carried out not with a view to a specific application but out of pure curiosity

Angewandte Chemie 18/2022: Direct Bonds
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Chemistry Europe Symposium as Part of the ECC8
Chemistry Europe is planning a special symposium as part of the ECC8 in Lisbon covering research and chemistry entrepreneurship

Autonomous Fuelled Directional Rotation
First autonomous 360° rotation in one direction around a single bond