Paul Anastas discusses why green chemistry is so fundemental to sustainability, and a worthy intellectual exercise.
Building a Sustainable World
Coordination Down Under
Meet the Editor of EurJIC at the 39th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC 39).
History of the Discovery of the Elements
The chronology of the discovery of the elements is a textbook example of scientific development
Metals in Medicine Conference
EurJIC at the Gordon Research Conference on Metals in Medicine
R&D Spending
A look at the top countries for research and development expenditure within the EU and the rest of the world.
Kicking Around Carbon
New insights into fullerene chemistry have emerged from graphene research showing the soccerball-shaped molecules forming as graphene flakes lock together.
Phase Change Materials: Optical Storage
Data storage has always been a major aspect in the development of mankind...
Trends in Inorganic Chemistry
Read this overview of the latest trend report published annually in Nachrichten aus der Chemie, the GDCh membership magazine.
3rd EuCheMS Congress
Chemistry – A Creative Force. European chemical societies invite chemists from all backgrounds to a multidisipinary conference.
Frontiers of Chemistry – Virtual Event
Nobel Laureate Presentations Available On-Demand