Catalysis at Light Speed!

Catalysis at Light Speed!

Laser-induced orientation sheds light on mechanism of C–H bond activation in steam reforming of methane

Chiral Auxillary

Chiral Auxillary

The synthesis of octahedral [Ru(bipy)3]2+ complexes in enantiopure form has been achieved through the use of a chiral sulfoxide auxiliary

Highlights in Biocatalysis

Highlights in Biocatalysis

Biocatalysis – special issue of ChemCatChem edited by Prof. Uwe Bornscheuer, Prof. Andreas Liese, and Prof. Garabed Antranikian

C. N. R. Rao Will Be Awarded

C. N. R. Rao Will Be Awarded

C. N. R. Rao will be presented with the August-Wilhelm-von-Hofmann-Denkmünze for his outstanding contributions in the field of solid-state chemistry

Higher Dosage

Higher Dosage

New delivery method for cisplatin prevents kidney damage and allows higher doses to be used

Summer School Success

Summer School Success

Organized by the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia with support from RSEQ, the ICIQ summer school once again proved successful

AkzoNobel Science Award

AkzoNobel Science Award

Angewandte Chemie international editorial board member, Bert Meijer, has won the 2010 AkzoNobel Science Award