Production of chlorine dioxide for water treatment and paper bleaching achieved at ambient pressure and temperature

New Route to Bleaching Agent

Tunable Plastic Thermometers
Tunable, (super)conductive plastic films made with ion beam and used for electrical resistance thermometers

J. M. Thomas Delivers Third Gerhard Ertl Lecture
Sir John Meurig Thomas, University of Cambridge, UK, has delivered the third annual Gerhard Ertl Lecture in Berlin, Germany

Continuous Flow Reactor for Coupling Reactions
Copper flow reactor removes need for additional reagents for Cu-based coupling reactions

More Soluble, Less Toxic Cellular Probes
Biocompatibility and water solubility of cellular probes have been improved with iridium complexes with carbohydrates attached

Screening Catalytic Conversion of Glycerol
Thermogravimetric setup useful for fast screening of catalysts in the dehydration of glycerol

Graphene Model
Professor H.-J. Quadbeck-Seeger, Germany, diplays the beauty of chemical structures with new molecular models - graphene shown

Improved Li Batteries
The world’s smallest battery, with an anode of a single nanowire, has been created inside a TEM to study its charging in detail

Oriented Salts for New Materials
Alternating stacks of planar cations and planar dipyrrole-containing anions provides concept for formation of new materials

Physics Nobel Award Controversy
The Nobel Prizes will be formally awarded today, but the physics decision has come under close scrutiny