Thermogravimetric setup useful for fast screening of catalysts in the dehydration of glycerol
Screening Catalytic Conversion of Glycerol
Graphene Model
Professor H.-J. Quadbeck-Seeger, Germany, diplays the beauty of chemical structures with new molecular models - graphene shown
Improved Li Batteries
The world’s smallest battery, with an anode of a single nanowire, has been created inside a TEM to study its charging in detail
Oriented Salts for New Materials
Alternating stacks of planar cations and planar dipyrrole-containing anions provides concept for formation of new materials
Physics Nobel Award Controversy
The Nobel Prizes will be formally awarded today, but the physics decision has come under close scrutiny
Angewandte Chemie 50/2010: Looking Back and Ahead
An overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Searching for Xmas Presents?
Editors recommend Christmas presents with a scientific flavor ...
Somorjai Talks About Surface Chemistry and Catalysis
Gabor A. Somorjai is talking about his book 'Introduction to Surface Chemistry and Catalysis'
Combating Old Man Winter
Physics helps to get rid of snow and ice in the winter ̶ but chemistry is more efficient
Mess-ter Comic — Initiation
A comic series by Sophie Lin: In part 4 she searches for the initiator of her polymerization