Synthetic Fe(III) porphyrin used as catalyst for activation and reduction of O2 into H2O with the cofactor NAD(P)H in aqueous solution

Biomimetic Iron Catalyst

German IYC Opening Ceremony (in German)
At the National IYC Opening Ceremony in Berlin, Germany, Angela Merkel awarded three teams from the school competition, Formula One

German IYC Opening Ceremony
The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, opened the IYC Ceremony in Germany. Here are the highlights

Intermediates in Ethanol Fuel Cells
Analysis of the intermediates produced in direct ethanol fuel cells with different anodes gives clues to reaction pathways within the cell

Click Chemistry: Functionalized Triazoles
Compounds with both triazole and halogen functionalities formed by Cu catalysis with environmentally benign reducing agent

Superconductivity From Afar
The magnetic interactions responsible for superconductivity may lie with next-nearest-neighbor rather than in adjacent atoms

IYC Postage Stamp Central
Many countries and postal authorities will join in the celebrations of IYC by issuing postage stamps related to chemistry

How to Repair a Seashell
Seashell repaired in vitro by growth of biominerals in insoluble organic framework

New SCI President — Interview with Vincenzo Barone
Vincenzo Barone, the new president of the Società Chimica Italiana (SCI), talks about the SCI, IYC 2011, politics, young chemists

Nickel-Catalyzed Suzuki–Miyaura
Coupling reactions in which palladium is replaced with cheaper nickel complexes can now be done at room temperature