Kilian Muñiz, Anthony K. Cheetham, Luis M. Liz-Marzán, and Helmuth Möhwald, are interviewed this month

Angewandte Author Profiles May

Angewandte Chemie 21/2011 – The Worm that Turned
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Highly Selective Alkene Dimerization
Rhodium immobilized on zeolites can dimerize ethene with high selectivity without the need for ligands

Angewandte Chemie 20/2011: Fireworks
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Roald Hoffmann Awarded
Nobel laureate Professor Roald Hoffmann, Cornell University, NY, USA, receives the Otto Warburg Medal

Low-Cost H2 Producing Catalyst
Cheap, abundant alternative to expensive platinum catalysts coupled with light-absorbing electrodes splits water for H2 fuel

Hydroboration with Copper Catalyst
Hydroboration of challenging beta-substituted vinylarene substrates can be efficiently performed with copper catalyst with high selectivies

Chemistry of a Hangover — Alcohol and its Consequences
How can a tiny molecule like ethanol be at the root of so much human misery?

Atomic Radii of the Elements
Atomic radii of the main group elements vary in a predictable and explicable manner across the periodic table

Wonderlab Comic — Goggles
Everything is back-to-front when an accident in Wonderlab turns Sophie into the safety monitor